
1 No errors expected at this point

2 PHP version 8.2.20

3 SAPI: fpm-fcgi

4 Same framework instance returned

5 Coerce directory separators

6 Split comma-, semi-colon, or pipe-separated string

7 Convert number to exportable string

8 Convert string to exportable string

9 Convert array to exportable string

10 Convert object to exportable string

11 Flatten and convert array to CSV string

12 Snake-case

13 Camel-case

14 No hash() collisions

15 Scrub all HTML tags

16 Scrub specific HTML tags

17 Pass-thru HTML tags

18 Remove control characters

19 Encode HTML entities

20 Encode HTML entities

21 Decode HTML entities

22 instance() saves object to framework registry

23 Fetch constants from a class (object)

24 Fetch constants from a class (string)

25 [en-US]: Language set: en-US,en

26 [en-US]: Format date default (short): 07/27/2024

27 [en-US]: Format date medium: July 27, 2024

28 [en-US]: Format date full: Saturday, July 27, 2024

29 [en-US]: Format time default (short): 2:54 AM

30 [en-US]: Format time medium: 2:54:38 AM

31 [en-US]: Format time full: 2:54:38 AM UTC

32 [de-DE]: Language set: de-DE,de,en

33 [de-DE]: Format date default (short): 27.07.2024

34 [de-DE]: Format date medium: 27. Juli 2024

35 [de-DE]: Format date full: Samstag, 27. Juli 2024

36 [de-DE]: Format time default (short): 02:54

37 [de-DE]: Format time medium: 02:54:38

38 [de-DE]: Format time full: 02:54:38 UTC

39 [fr-FR]: Language set: fr-FR,fr,en

40 [fr-FR]: Format date default (short): 27/07/2024

41 [fr-FR]: Format date medium: 27 juillet 2024

42 [fr-FR]: Format date full: samedi 27 juillet 2024

43 [fr-FR]: Format time default (short): 02:54

44 [fr-FR]: Format time medium: 02:54:38

45 [fr-FR]: Format time full: 02:54:38 UTC

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