
1 No errors expected at this point

2 Auto-escaping enabled

3 Auto-escaping disabled for non-html/xml documents

4 @foo.bar: $foo['bar']

5 @foo[bar]: $foo[bar]

6 @foo['bar']: $foo['bar']

7 @foo["bar"]: $foo["bar"]

8 @foo.0: $foo[0]

9 @foo.@bar: $foo.$bar

10 @foo[@bar]: $foo[$bar]

11 @foo->bar.baz: $foo->bar['baz']

12 @foo->bar[baz]: $foo->bar[baz]

13 @foo->bar.@baz: $foo->bar.$baz

14 @foo->bar[@baz]: $foo->bar[$baz]

15 @foo->@baz: $foo->$baz

16 @foo::bar.baz: $foo::bar['baz']

17 @foo::bar[baz]: $foo::bar[baz]

18 @foo::bar.@baz: $foo::bar.$baz

19 @foo::@baz: $foo::$baz

20 @foo::bar[@baz]: $foo::bar[$baz]

21 @foo.bar->baz: $foo['bar']->baz

22 @foo.bar->@baz: $foo['bar']->$baz

23 @foo->bar[@qux.baz]: $foo->bar[$qux['baz']]

24 @foo->bar[@qux.@baz]: $foo->bar[$qux.$baz]

25 @foo(): $foo()

26 @foo(1.732): $foo(1.732)

27 @foo()->bar: $foo()->bar

28 @foo.zip(): $foo['zip']()

29 @foo.zip(@bar): $foo['zip']($bar)

30 @foo.zip(@bar,@baz): $foo['zip']($bar,$baz)

31 @foo.zip(@bar,'qux'): $foo['zip']($bar,'qux')

32 @foo.substr(@bar,3): $foo.substr($bar,3)

33 @foo->zip(@bar,'qux',123,['a'=>'hello']): $foo->zip($bar,'qux',123,['a'=>'hello'])

34 @foo[@bar+1].baz: $foo[$bar+1]['baz']

35 @foo.baz[@bar+1]: $foo['baz'][$bar+1]

36 @foo.'hello, world': $foo.'hello, world'

37 @foo.bar.baz->qux.corge[@gra::@ult()](@arp): $foo['bar']['baz']->qux['corge'][$gra::$ult()]($arp)

38 @foo | esc: $this->esc($foo)

39 <include>

40 double <include> doesn't double encode

41 <exclude> and {* comment *}

42 <repeat>

43 <check>, <true>, <true>

44 <check>, <true>, <false>

45 <check>, <false>, <true>

46 <check>, <false>, <false>

47 <check> nullable return

48 test unmatching tag cases

49 <switch>, <case>, <default>

50 <loop> with embedded <include>

51 <set>

52 <ignore>

53 Custom tag

54 Custom tag with inner content

55 Custom tag with value-less attribute

56 Custom tag with hyphenated attribute

57 Custom tag with attribute containing token

58 Custom tag with mixed attributes

59 Custom tag with mixed attributes (switched)

60 Custom tag with attribute containing template engine formatting

61 Custom tag with inline token

62 Custom tag with attribute and inline token

63 Custom tag with attributes, inline token, and ignored space

64 Custom tag with attribute, inline token, and another attribute

65 Custom tag (simple)

66 Custom tag with inner HTML containing template token

67 Custom tag spanning multiple lines

68 Node attribute with 0 value

69 Node attribute with empty value

70 Node with special attributes

71 <include> with extended hive

72 Escaped values

73 resolve() template strings

74 Register new token filter

75 Get list of available filters

76 Resolve custom filter: {{@foo | pick}} > \App\Helper::instance()->pick($foo)

77 Resolve filter with arguments: {{@foo, 'bar' | pick}} > \App\Helper::instance()->pick($foo, 'bar')

78 Filter pipe test: {{@foo, 'bar|baz' | pick}} > \App\Helper::instance()->pick($foo, 'bar|baz')

79 Double pipe OR condition: {{@foo || @bar}} > $foo || $bar

80 Ternary condition with filter: {{(@foo && @bar)? @baz: @qux | esc}} > $this->esc(($foo && $bar)? $baz: $qux)

81 Double pipe OR condition with filter: {{(@foo || @bar)? @baz: @qux | esc}} > $this->esc(($foo || $bar)? $baz: $qux)

82 Multiple filter: {{@foo | pick, esc}} > $this->esc(\App\Helper::instance()->pick($foo))

83 Multiple filter, multiple arguments: {{@foo, @bar | pick, esc}} > $this->esc(\App\Helper::instance()->pick($foo, $bar))

84 Test custom filter

85 Existing php function as filter: {{@foo | json_encode}} > json_encode($foo)

86 Overwrite existing raw php filter

87 Raw PHP template: 13.38 msecs

88 Use template engine: 709.31 msecs

89 Enable caching

90 Don't cache

91 Cache for two seconds

92 Load two second cached view

93 Replace outdated two second cached view

Page rendered in 5096.49 msecs / Memory usage 4194.3 Kibytes